Flex2 Flex Forms

The Flex2 Flex Form allows you to create customizable forms that can support donations, recurring memberships, sell tickets to an online or in person event like fashion shows, singing contests, virtual fundraisers, zoom gatherings, merchandise, or to set up a form with more options in a quick and easy way.  Flex2 Flex Forms can be edited to match your organization’s branding or event.

When starting a new form, keep an eye out for these fun features:

  • Lock/Unlocked - It is very good practice to get into the habit of locking a form once you’re finished editing it.  
  • LIVE Link - To view what your forms will look like on a larger screen than your Preview, utilize the LIVE link. Your LIVE link is the link you will use to share your form with the public.
  • Preview Screens -  The Preview screen to the right of your collapsible menus allows you to view what the form will look like in real time on a mobile device.  

We like to call each section of our menu a collapsible!  Every form is customized by adjusting settings and content in our collapsible menus. The 17 different collapsible sections are:

Off-Sale By Date or By Count
Shipping Information
Buyer Address
Add-On Donation
Payment Page
Thank You Page
Gift Certificate Redemption
Social Sharing Previews
Tessitura Constituencies
Webhook Destination

Donation Editor changes are automatically saved as you work.


The default template setting is a form set on a white background.  You can customize your background and settings in the Presentation Manager.  It is highly recommended to utilize this feature. A Presentation Manager can be applied or removed at any time by selecting Presentation from the Type drop down menu and then selecting the Presentation Manager from the Presentations drop down menu.


Your header can be personalized to match with your branding and will appear on both the Payment Page and the Thank You Page.  If you have a Presentation Manager that includes a logo, you may not need this or you can use this to include an image rather than a logo.

If you have a logo image that you’d like to use, upload it in the  Embedded Logo section.  You will be able to view what it will look like on the right side of the screen.  Recommended image size is between 800 to 1000 pixels wide by 250 to 400 pixels tall at 72 dpi. When in doubt, check with your marketing department!

The Alt Tag allows you to add a short description for your image that is accessible to screen readers or shows as text if the image doesn’t load.

The Rule option will allow you to place a straight line separating your embedded logo from your text. This can be set to “Yes” which will allow you to enter a hex code or RGB specific colors to match with your branding. If set to “No,” the line will not appear.

Color Selector
Some browsers may show an eyedropper available in the color selector. This can also be utilized to match a color in an uploaded image.


The Presale collapsible allows you to sell an event or item before the event begins.  This option can be enabled or disabled.
Presale in this digital context is different from a traditional Presale in the physical seated ticketing context. Traditionally, Presale means VIPs, Donors, Board Members, and/or Subscribers can get access to purchase better seats sooner than the general public. In this Presale, you are simply selling access to anyone prior to the date of the event. You can collect payment, update your CRM, message the patron, and then on the release date, message the access details so they can view, participate or access the event or content.
This section is very closely tied to the Messaging section that will be covered below.  
If you want to make changes to the content of a Message assigned to a form, use the Message Manager to edit the content of the Message. Keep in mind that when Presale is enabled, the Messages become connected to the form, locked and cannot be switched to a different message. Do not try and reassign a different message after Presale is initiated. Once the Presale has been released on schedule or manually, you can reassign messages.
If Enabled:
You can choose a Presale release date from the Release Date selector. This sets the day the Presale orders will start to be released from the queue. 
You can choose a Presale time from the Release Time menu. This sets the time of day the Presale orders will start to be released from the queue. 
You can choose a Release Timezone from the Release Timezone menu. This sets the Timezone the Presale orders will start to be released from the queue. 
Presale is one of the only sections where a save button is required.  Once your release date, time, and time zone are chosen, click the “Save Release Date” button to lock in your time.
  • There is also a “Clear Release Date” button which will clear your release date and time back to default settings.
  • Should you wish to manually release your presale items, there is a multi-step process to confirm you wish to release these items when you click the “Release Now” button.

Once the presale items have been released by the chosen date and time or manually released, the Presale section will automatically disable itself.  After that point, the form runs in On Sale mode and items can be purchased immediately via the form and will be available until the off-sale date is met or the form is archived.

Off-Sale By Date or By Count

Off-Sale By Date allows you to set a specific date by which your on-sale items will no longer be available.  This is an independent feature and does not coincide with the Presale settings.   Off-Sale By Date can be enabled or disabled.

If Enabled:

Off-Sale Type allows you to choose whether your item will go off-sale via a date or when a count has been met.
If Date is chosen: 
  • You can choose an Off-Sale date from the Date selector. This sets the day the form will present the Off-Sale message. 
  • You can choose an Off-Sale time from the Time selector. This sets the time the form will present the Off-Sale message. 
  • You can choose an Off-Sale time zone from the Time Zone selector. This sets the time zone the form will present the Off-Sale message.
If Count is chosen:

  • The Current Count field cannot be edited (it is greyed out). This value is updated every time a form is processed. The Current Count is incremented by the count value set in the pricing configuration. See below.
    • If a transaction is refunded, the count value of the transaction is removed from the Current Count total and will be available for sale.
  • The Maximum Count field should contain the number you want to make available for sale. You can change this number at any time. If you make it lower than the Current Count, the form will go Off-Sale.

If Date or Count is chosen:

Using By Date or Count allows you to set a both a Date and a Maximum Count.  Whenever either piece of criteria is met, your Off-Sale settings will be turned on for that form ensuring you get the maximum amount of time possible without having to manually monitor and adjust the form.

The Off-Sale Behavior drop down gives you two options: Message or Redirect.
  • Message will display a message on the form if it is accessed after your Date or Count have been reached.  See below for further set up information if you choose to display a message
  • Redirect allows you to redirect this form to a separate form if this form is accessed after your Date or Count have been reached.  An example of this would be if your Count is set to 250 and you've reached that number, but a patron tries accessing this form after you've reached 250, this form would redirect to a donation form (or any other type of form you choose). 
The Headline text can be edited based on a general title or purpose of the form (i.e. “Support the Orchestra Today!” or “Keep Making a Difference” etc.). It is not a required section and can be blank.
The Headline Color can be edited with a hex code or RGB specific colors to match your branding. This will only affect your Headline text on this page.  The headline color in your Payment Page and in your Thank You page are separate; don’t forget to change the color on the Thank You page, too!

The Body Copy can be edited and may include custom CSS if you would like to apply further styles to this section.

The Body Copy Color can be edited with a hex code or RGB specific colors.  This will only affect the text in the body of the form.

The Button Text can be edited to your preference and your Button Color can be changed according to your preferences or branding with a hex code or RGB specific colors.

The Button Link allows you to add a hyperlink to your button that, should your patron click on it, will take them to a webpage. This can be your organization’s website, performance information, or whatever you choose.


The Gifting option allows you to create a section on your form where a patron can purchase an item for themselves or gift it to another person.  This option can be enabled or disabled. 

If Enabled:

The Gifting number (in parentheses on the collapsible header) will show a current number of forms that have been gifted to another person. This number remains current for the life of the form.  Currently, once the form is archived, there’s no way to see the number of gifts given unless the form is reactivated.

Gift Only? lets you choose whether this item can only be gifted or gives your patron the option to gift or purchase for themselves. If "Yes" is selected from the dropdown menu, only the gifting information will appear on your form in the form of text boxes for your patron to fill out with the recipient’s information. If "No" is selected, then two button options will appear on your form allowing your patron to choose whether they’d like to gift it or purchase for themselves.

The Tessitura Checkout dropdown lets you choose whether to checkout with the buyer’s email address or the gift recipient’s email address.  The default is set to Buyer’s and will populate the purchase information in that patron’s Tessitura account.  If you choose Gift Recipient’s Email Address, it will populate the purchase information under the recipient’s Tessitura account.

The Include Confirm Email Field can be enabled or disabled.  If enabled, it provides an additional text box where your patron would re-enter the recipient’s email address for confirmation.  If disabled, this text box will not appear.

The Not A Gift - Text option is an editable text field where you can change the title on the button that your patron would choose if they were purchasing this item for themselves.

The Is A Gift - Text option works the same way as your Not A Gift text box does except it changes the text for the button your patron would choose if they were to purchase this item for someone else.

The Active - Text Color allows you to change the text color on the button that is selected.  You can edit the color using a hex code or RGB numbers in accordance with your organization’s branding.

Alternatively, the Inactive - Text Color allows you to change the text color for the button that is not selected.  You can edit this color with a hex code or specific RGB numbers in accordance with your branding.

Much like the text options, Active - Background Color and Inactive - Background Color can be edited to change the color of the button that is selected and the button that is not selected, respectively.  Each of these options can be edited with a hex code or specific RGB colors that match your organization’s branding.

The Recipient Form Labelis an editable text box that allows you to change the gifting verbiage.  Examples include, “This gift is for,” “I’d like to give the gift of holiday cheer to”, etc.

Shipping Information

This information allows you to enter shipping information for a recipient, whether a gift recipient or the patron themselves.  This option can be enabled or disabled via the drop down menu.  
If Enabled:
The Limit Shipping Location option can be enabled or disabled via the drop down menu.  If it is enabled,  Country, State/Province, and City options become available. 
  • The Country dropdown menu allows you to choose a specific country that you will ship within.  Only one option can be enabled.
  • The State/Province dropdown menu allows you to choose specific states or provinces within the country of your choice.  This defaults to the state in which your Tessitura database is located.  Only one option can be enabled.
  • The City option is an editable text box if you only want to or only can ship within a specific city/cities.  Should you want to ship to multiple cities, separate each city name with a comma in the text box.  This will enable a dropdown menu on your form from which your patron can choose.
One or all of these options can be chosen.  A lock icon will appear next to the Country or City should you decide to limit those.  
If the Limit Shipping Location option is disabled, the patron will be able to enter any state or country in the shipping information section of the form.
The Shipping Address Form Label, Shipping Address State Label, and Shipping Address Postal Code Label are each editable text boxes that allow you to edit the text to your preferences.
The Shipping Fulfillment Email option can be assigned via the dropdown menu.  If enabled, it allows you to choose a specific email created in your Message Manager that will send an email to a distribution center.  An example of this is:
  • An organization is doing a Valentine’s Day event where the patron can send flowers to a gift recipient or send flowers to themselves.  Once payment is received via the form, an email notification is sent to the florist with the patron or gift recipient’s information and their request for flowers.
Shipping Fulfillment Email Recipients allows you to add multiple email recipients that will receive the fulfillment email if that option is enabled. Separate each email by a comma.

If this option is not enabled, shipping information will be placed in a CSI on the patron’s account.


Questions allow you to add a customizable open text field to your form that can be used to ask questions or gather information.  This is an optional feature and can be enabled on your form or disabled.  By default, the Questions feature is not enabled.
If Enabled:
Your question can be set as a  Required question or not. The Required Background automatically defaults to a light green color when marked as “Required.”  This can be edited with a hex code or RGB specific colors to match your branding should you choose to have it colored; however, you are also free to set it to white if you don’t want a color. The purpose of this feature is to help patrons visualize what is required on your form. If it is set to required, the color of the field will use the Required Background color and the payment cannot be processed until it is filled out by your patron.
The Question field can be anything.  Examples include: “Is this gift in honor or in memory of someone?”, “How did you hear about us?”, etc.
The P laceholder field allows you to add instructional or example text in the open text box on your form.  Examples include: “Enter your answer here”, “Please let us know”, etc.
The  Default Value field can be a preset answer to the question.  If this option is chosen, it will override any Placeholder text you may have entered.
When the Questions feature is enabled, the results will be put into a  Customer Service Issue. The default Customer Service Issue settings will use the same as you have set up in your Tessitura Live General Purpose CSI. To use specific CSI settings for your form, you can create a new Tessitura Contact Method (if needed) Tessitura Activity Type (will be needed) and Tessitura Origin (if needed). Select the appropriate options for Contact Method, Activity Type, and Origin for your form. When the form is processed, the Questions feature will provide the Question and Answer in the CSI configured.

Buyer Address

Buyer Address allows you to gather address and phone number information from your patron.  This feature can be enabled or disabled.
If Enabled:

The default setting for Overwrite Address is set to "No."  This means it will not overwrite an address connected to an account that matches a patron’s email address.  If this is set to “Yes,” the address can be overwritten in Tessitura. Use this option carefully.

The Title defaults to “Address”; however, you can edit this to your preferences.  Examples include “Your Contact Info” or “Mailing Address”, etc.
The Required Background automatically defaults to a light green color for fields marked as “Required.”  This can be edited with a hex code or RGB specific colors to match your branding should you choose to have it colored; however, you are also free to set it to white if you don’t want a color.   The purpose of this feature is to help patrons visualize what is required on your form.
Your Prefix, First Name, Last Name, Suffix, Address Lines 1 and 2, City, State, Zip, Country, and Phone can be enabled and/or required at your discretion.  Labels can be edited to meet your needs.  Example, some countries refer to the Zip while others call it Postal Code.
If Phone is enabled, you will need to select a Tessitura Phone Type from the drop down menu. The image below shows Phone enabled, but not required, The label has been changed to SMS Text-able Phone and the Tessitura Phone Type has been set to P2 SMS hone (A phone type available to Prospect2 based organizations)
If any of the above options are enabled, they will be displayed on your form.  If they are set to "Required," an asterisk will be appended to the label along with the Required Background color will be applied to the fields and the payment cannot be processed until it is filled out by your patron.

Add-On Donation

The Add-On Donation option allows a patron to, well, add on a donation!  This option can be enabled or disable via the dropdown menu. 
If Enabled:
A check box will appear on your form.  Your patron will be able to select it if they choose to make a donation or scroll past it if they choose not to.  You also have the option to have the check box checked as the default option on your form.  These options can be changed via the dropdown menu.
The Select a Donation Form lets you choose a specific donation form from Donate2 that this contribution will be attributed to.
  • For a Donate2 form that is utilized strictly to moderate add-on donations from your Flex form, the only options that need to be enabled on the D2 form are the Default Ask, Amount Options, Other, Behavior, and Custom Amount Options under the Payment Page collapsible and the configuration of your choice under the Tessitura Live Environments collapsible.  For more information about these sections, please click here.
The Add-On Donation Copy is an editable text box that allows you to change the verbiage to your liking.
The Add-On Donation Color allows you to adjust the color of the check box.  You can enter a hex code in the text box in accordance with your branding.

Payment Page

The Payment Page can be personalized to your style or branding.  The following section has been split into several sections to accommodate all of the information contained in this collapsible.
The Headline text can be edited based on a general title or purpose of the form (i.e. “Support the Orchestra Today!” or “Keep Making a Difference” etc.). It is not a required section and can be blank.
The Headline Color can be edited with a hex code or RGB specific colors to match your branding. This will only affect your Headline text on this page.  The headline color in your Payment Page and in your Thank You page are separate; don’t forget to change the color on the Thank You page, too!
The Body Copy can be edited to specific verbiage.
  • Please note - Within the body of your text, there are many different CSS options you can include in this section.
The Body Copy Color can be edited with a hex code or RGB specific colors.  This will only affect the text in the body of the form.
The Pricing Configuration section allows you to completely customize your pricing for an event.  If it is an event with multiple pricing tiers, you can select the Multiple Buttons option from the dropdown menu.
  • If, however, you do choose the Multiple Button option, you will have a Column drop down available next to the button type drop down.  This allows you to choose from 1, 2, or 3 column options that you will be able to preview in the preview screen on the right.  See below.

The Price is an editable text box that allows you to enter the exact price of this item.  If you will be using this form for a Tessitura performance, the price set in this section needs to match the price type set up in your Tessitura for this item.
  • If the price is set to zero (i.e. the event is free), the Display Text when Price is $0 will automatically display.  This text is also editable within its text box.
The Price Color allows you to change the color of the price or text that appears for this item.  You can add a hex code or specific RGB colors that match your organization’s branding.
The Price Text - Lines 1 and 2 are editable text boxes that, if there is text present, will appear under the price on your form.  These can be edited if you need descriptors or additional information for this item.  You can view changes made on the interactive editing screens on the right of your screen.
The Price Text - Lines 1 and 2 Colors allow you to change the color of this display text.  You can add a hex code or specific RGB colors in accordance with your organization’s branding.
The Additional Copy section allows you a larger section on your form for additional text.  This can be edited in the same way as the Body Copy text in your Payment Page section.
The Count Increment is an editable text box that allows you to adjust how many tickets or items each purchase buys.  As an example, if the price you set purchases two tickets to your event, the count increment could/should be set to 2.
  • If your form is created with multiple buttons, you have the option to change the Count Increment in each button configuration.
  • For additional information, please review the Off Sale By Date section above.
If your form is configured with multiple button options:
Button Display Name will appear under Count Increment and is an editable text box letting you change the verbiage on the button should you choose to do so.
Button Color allows you to change the button color either by hex code or editable RGB colors that you can match to your branding or style
Active Text Color allows you to change the color of the text for the button that is currently selected.  This can be changed either by hex code or RGB colors.
Inactive Text Color allows you to change the color of the text on the buttons that are not currently selected.  This can be changed either by hex code or RGB colors.

Be aware that if constituencies are configured in the Payment Page, those settings will override the settings under the Tessitura Constituencies collapsible.  Please review the Tessitura Constituencies section below for further information.

The Constituency is a searchable function based on the available constituencies in your Tessitura database.  Remember, to search, you will need to enter at least three characters in the search bar before any options become available.
Overwrite Existing can be enabled or disabled.  You have the option to overwrite it (Yes) or not (No) via the dropdown menu.  If it is enabled, it will update the constituency in the patron’s Tessitura profile.
The Action drop down has two options available to you:
  • Fixed - This allows you to set a fixed date range from which your patron will be able to access whatever item it is you’re selling (i.e. if it’s a season subscription, the related constituency will be active during the date ranges of your season, or whatever time frame you choose).  Fixed gives you a fixed start and end date that you or your organization can choose.
  • Rolling - This allows you to set a certain amount of time from the date of purchase.  Whereas the Fixed option gives you a range of time and if a patron purchases the item in the middle of that time frame, they will only have access until the end date, Rolling gives you the option to allow your patron access to your item for a given amount of time from the date of purchase.  This can be set for days, weeks, months, or even years!
The Access End Date allows the patron to access the item they’re purchasing from this form until the specified date.  When this option is chosen, it disables the Access Length option.  If you are not utilizing the Webhooks feature, you do not need to fill this section out.
The Access Length allows the patron to access the item they’re purchasing from this form for a certain amount of days.If you are not utilizing the Webhooks feature, you do not need to fill this section out.
The Use a Stripe Product option is available via the dropdown menu.  This item will need to be built in your Stripe account.  This item can be enabled or disabled. 
I f enabled:
  • You will be able to select a specific Stripe product from the Stripe Product dropdown menu.
    • Based on your selection, the Stripe Product Price dropdown menu will have options to choose from.  Choose the correct price that matches the Stripe product of your choosing.
  • You will be able to select Available Stripe Coupons via the dropdown menu.  If none are available, the default is set to None.
  • The Trial Period allows you to set a certain amount of time for a trail.  The text box is editable to however many days you choose and you are able to choose Days, Weeks, Months, and Years from the dropdown menu next to the text box.  When this section is active, it automatically disables the Available Stripe Coupons.
    • When the Trial Period option is enabled, an additional drop down menu appears below titled Redirect When Ineligible for Trial.  This option allows you to redirect the patron to a chosen form from the drop down menu where they will be able to purchase the item.  This option reads the email address attached to the purchase to discern whether the owner of that email will be eligible for a trial period.

If the Stripe Product option is disabled, Recurring Frequency and Promo Codes appears instead.

Recurring Frequency allows you to select how often the patron’s card is charged.  For example, if the item on sale is a subscription package, you may want to select Monthly instead of One Time.  Only one option is available to select via the dropdown menu.
Promo Codes allow you to set up specific promo codes to use within this form.
The Price option is an editable text box that will adjust the full price of the item to the set amount in Price once the promo code is utilized.  You can also set the price via the up or down arrow on the right side of the box.
The Promo Code is an editable text box where you can enter the specific code that you would like to use.  If your form is formatted with multiple button options, each button has its own Promo Code section available.
  • If your promo code is enabled, a text box will appear on your form for your patron to type in the code you give them.  If your promo code is disabled, no text box will appear on your form.
The Max Quantity allows you to set a max amount of times the promo code can be used.  After the max quantity is reached once the form is live, the promo code will no longer be usable.
If, in your Tessitura collapsible, this form is set with a Tessitura Performance ID set to “Yes”, this will activate the Tessitura Price Type ID, Tessitura Perf ID, and the Tessitura Seated drop down.  These will need to match the numbers for each section that are in your Tessitura database.
If your form is set with multiple button options, there will be separate Tessitura Price Type ID, Tessitura Perf ID, and Tessitura Seated options for each button.
If your form is set with multiple button options and you wish to remove an option, there is a red button labeled “Remove Pricing Configuration” under the “Add Promo Code” button.
The Cover Costs feature allows your patron the option to choose whether they’d like to cover transaction costs.  
This option can be set to: 
  • "Yes" places a checkbox on the form giving the patron the option to cover the costs. They must select the checkbox if they want to cover costs.
  • "Yes (Default Selected)" places a pre-selected checkbox on the form where the patron must unselect the checkbox to opt-out of covering the costs;
  • "No" will remove the check box from the form completely.
You can also add a Cover Costs Maximum which will only allow the cover the costs up to a certain amount.
The Cover Costs checkbox color can be edited from the color square next to the text box.
The Marketing Opt-In is another check box option that can be added to your form if you choose.  You can choose which Marketing option to give your patron from the drop down menu.  The default for this setting is set to "No."
  • If your Donate2 account is integrated with Prospect2, this option will be available via the dropdown menu and settings can be adjusted in the Prospect2 integration.  
  • If you are not integrated with Prospect2, you should only have the option of "Contact Permissions." which will add this information to the patron’s Tessitura account.
  • Utilize the "None" option if you do not want the Marketing Opt-In checkbox available on your form.
The Marketing Opt In checkbox color can be edited from the color square next to the text box.
The Cover Costs Copy and the Marketing Opt-In Copy allow you to change the text next to the opt-in checkboxes 
The $0 Button Text allows you to edit the text on the button that appears when the price is set to $0.
The $0 Button Color allows you to change the color of the button when the price is set to $0
The Financial Goal allows you to have a Goal Bar present under the body text.  This can be enabled or disabled by toggling the checkbox to the left of the Financial Goal text box.
  • If your goal is to receive a certain amount in gifts, you can utilize this option (the goal number can be edited).  The Bar and Text colors can be edited based on your branding; however, this is one of the only spots where entering a hex code is not an option.  
  • If you are generating donations outside of your Donate2 Donation Form (via the phone, website, checks, etc.) you can use the  Starting Amount and  Starting Date to account for additional sources of donations. Once you know the current amount raised (after pulling a report in Tessitura), you can enter that amount into the Starting Amount field.  You can then set the Starting Date to the day from which your Donate2 donations will count towards this campaign. Most likely, that will be the day you update the Starting Amount.
The Number of Gifts allows you to have a Goal Bar present under the body text.  This can be enabled or disabled by toggling the checkbox to the left of the Number of Gifts text box.  
  • If your goal is to receive a certain number of gifts, you can utilize this option (the number can be edited).  The Bar and Text colors can be edited based on your branding; however, this is one of the only spots where entering a hex code is not an option.  
  • If you are generating donations outside of your Donate2 Donation Form (via the phone, website, checks, etc.) you can use the Starting Amount and Starting Date to account for additional sources of donations. Once you know the current amount raised (after pulling a report in Tessitura), you can enter that amount into the Starting Amount field.  You can then set the Starting Date to the day from which your Donate2 donations will count towards this campaign. Most likely, that will be the day you update the Starting Amount.
The Copy Below Payment is an editable text box that allows you to add text below the payment button.  Examples of this usage apply for legal verbiage, terms and conditions, or additional information for the item.
The Copy Below Payment Color allows you to edit the color of the text that appears below the payment button.

If this form is created and utilized for a ticketed event, Cover Costs is not an option.  Cover Costs becomes an option if this form is created to accept donations or has the Add On Donation option enabled.

Thank You Page

Much like your Payment Page, your Thank You page is customizable to your preferences.  This is the page that will appear once payment is complete.
The Headline text is editable to your preferences in the text box and the text color can be edited under Headline Color.
As in your Payment Page, the Body Copy is editable to your preferences and your Body Copy Color can be edited under Body Copy Color.
The Button Text, like your Payment Button Color, can be edited to your preference and your Button Color can be changed according to your preferences or branding.
The Button Link allows you to add a hyperlink to your button that, should your patron click on it, will take them to a webpage.  This can be your organization’s website, performance information, or whatever you choose.

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Gift Certificate Redemption

This section allows you to enable or disable the ability for a patron to utilize a gift certificate as payment for the item.  
If Enabled:
It will replace the Promo Code option on the payment screen and will allow the patron to enter the gift certificate number in the text box on the form.
The Minimum Amount can be selected via the dropdown menu.
The Redeem Button Text is an editable text box that allows you to change the verbiage on the redemption button that the patron will click to submit the gift certificate number or information.
  • This feature is not available with payments labeled as recurring.  When enabled, it will automatically disable the recurring payment feature.
  • When this feature is enabled, it will automatically disable the Use Stripe Product option.
It is not common practice to utilize the Gift Certificate Redemption feature when the form is being used to collect donations.  It’s better practice to utilize this feature when selling a ticketed event.

Social Sharing Previews

Social Sharing Previews allows you to customize how your link will look when shared via social media.  This turns a form URL into an eye catching preview when shared on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms. You can also configure Twitter and Facebook for analytics purposes.  To learn more about the Social Sharing setup, please click here.
When working in this section, if you click on the Preview button, it will take you to www.socialsharepreview.com where you will be able to view what your link looks like when shared on various social media platforms.  Please keep in mind that  www.socialsharepreview.com caches your form, so if any changes are made, click the blue button in the top right corner to refresh the link.
Social Sharing Previews does not share or post the form to social media on your behalf. This is a tool to configure the preview and analytics when you or your patrons choose to share the form.


These options are based on information from your Tessitura Integration.

The Fund(s), On Account Method(s), Source, ChannelReceipt are all available via the drop down menus in each section.  These options are what is active and available in your Tessitura database.  The Fund, On Account, and Receipt options can be configured; for more information, click here.

Multiple Funds and On Account Methods can be selected in this section and a drop down menu will appear on your form for your patron to choose where they would like their gift to go (i.e. you can have options for the General Fund, Education, and Young Artist Program, and your patron will be able to select one of these from the drop down menu in your form). If only  one Fund or On Account is configured, no options will be viewable by your patron on the form.

The Source is a searchable function that connects to your Tessitura database which allows you to type in the title of a specific source you’d like attributed to this form.  You will need to type in at least three characters in the search field before any options appear. The Channel option is also a searchable function that connects to your Tessitura database.  Almost always, you will want to select Donate2; however, you can create a separate channel for Stream2 or Flex2 forms. The Receipt option is the final searchable function connected to your Tessitura database.  If you choose to do so, you can create a specific receipt in the HTML editor of Tessitura that can be assigned to this form.  You do not need to have a receipt available from Tessitura.  You have the option of creating a more customized receipt email in your Message Manager.

Tessitura Constituencies

Be aware that if constituencies are configured in the Payment Page, those settings will override the settings under the Tessitura Constituencies collapsible.

If no constituencies are configured in the Payment Page settings:

The Constituency is a searchable function based on the available constituencies in your Tessitura database.  Remember, to search, you will need to enter at least three characters in the search bar before any options become available.

Overwrite Existing can be enabled or disabled.  If it is enabled, it will update the constituency in the patron’s Tessitura profile.

The Action drop down has two options available to you:

  • Fixed - This allows you to set a fixed date range from which your patron will be able to access whatever item it is you’re selling (i.e. if it’s a season subscription, the related constituency will be active during the date ranges of your season, or whatever time frame you choose).
  • Rolling - This allows you to set a certain amount of time from the date of purchase.  Whereas the Fixed option gives you a range of time and if a patron purchases the item in the middle of that time frame, they will only have access until the end date, Rolling gives you the option to allow your patron access to your item for a given amount of time from the date of purchase.  This can be set for days, weeks, months, or even years!

Webhook Destination

Webhook Destinations allow you to pass information from your system to a third party platform.  This feature is not commonly used; however, if you would like to utilize it, please read more here.


This is used in a similar way to the Messaging option for a Donate2 form; however, in the Flex2 environment, it's much more detailed and where you can create multiple different messages in your Message Manager for each section of this dropdown option.

There are three different configurations available with Messaging and it’s up to you how you wish to mix and match (if you choose to!):

  • Onsale - The onsale section (numbers 1-6) denote messaging that goes out when an item is Onsale and purchased.
  • Presale - The presale section (numbers 7-12) denote messaging that goes out when a presale item is purchased.  If your presale mode is enabled above, your Message Manager options will be greyed out and inaccessible.  Should you need to make changes, briefly disable Presale mode, make your necessary changes, and enable Presale mode again.
  • Tessitura Account Created - These sections (numbers 13 and 14) denote messaging that goes out when a Tessitura account has been created, either for the gift recipient or the buyer.  
For more information about Messaging and your Message Manager, please click here.

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