Social Sharing Preview

With Social Sharing Previews, you can define and view how a link to your form will display when shared within platforms that support OpenGraph rich objects. This turns a URL into an eye catching preview when shared on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms. In this section you can also configure Twitter and Facebook for analytics purposes.

Important Note

Social Sharing Previews does not share or post the form to social media on you behalf. This is a tool to configure the preview and analytics when you or your patrons choose to share the form.

This is the value used in the OpenGraph og:title tag when you share your form to social media. Almost every social media platform uses this tag. If you do not specify a title, it will use the title on the page.

Note: Your title should not be longer than 60 characters in order to match social platform post requirements. Be sure to put the topic of your page in the first part of your title.

Site Name
This is the value used in the OpenGraph og:site_name tag on your shared form on social media. Very rarely do social media platforms use this tag. If you do not specify a site name, it will use the page URL.

This is the value used in the OpenGraph og:description tag on your shared form on social media. Almost every social media platform uses this tag. If you do not specify a description, it will use a snippet of text from the form.

Note: The description length in your preview snippet will vary depending on where it is displayed. We recommend to make sure the important part of your description is within the first 110 characters, so it does not get cut off on mobile.

Social Image (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, svg)
This is the value used in the OpenGraph og:image tag when you share your form. Almost every social media platform uses this tag. If you do not specify an image, none will be used.

Note: The recommended image ratio for an og:image is 1.91:1. The optimal size would be 1200 x 630.

Alt Tag
This is the value used in the OpenGraph og:image:alt tag when you share your form. Almost every social media platform uses this tag. If you do not specify an alt tag, none will be used.

Facebook App ID
If you are using Facebook Analytics for social analytics, you must provide your Facebook App ID.

Twitter Username
If you are using Twitter's 'Twitter Card Analytics' for social analytics, you must provide your Twitter username.

The preview button opens a new tab that links to The URL of your form is passed to this third party, who then renders previews and provides a report for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest. An example of this is shown in the screenshot below.

Preview Assessment
The preview feature also provides you an assessment of your Title, Description, and Image.


  • The og:title metatag is missing (Falling back to title tag)
  •  Your title should be between 30-60 characters, with a maximum of 90 (currently 7 characters)

Your title should not be longer than 60 characters. Be sure to put the topic your page in the first part of your title.


  • The og:description metatag missing
  •  Your description should be between 55 and 200 characters long, with a maximum of 300 (currently 0 characters)

The description length in your preview snippet will vary depending on where it is displayed. We recommend to make sure the important part of your description is within the first 110 characters, so it doesn't get cut off on mobile.


  •  og:image can't be found at the defined URL
  •  The ratio of your og:image isn't optimal

The recommended image ratio for an  og:image is 1.91:1. The optimal size would be 1200 x 630.

Sample Empty Preview

Here is an example of previewing a form where the Social Sharing Preview fields have not been completed.

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