Tessitura Integration

The Tessitura Integrated 2Account allows you to include a Fund ID, Source ID, and Sales Channel to have the contribution logged on a constituent record, and a receipt sent making the process truly seamless. A donation made in your 2Account will appear alongside ticket purchases, membership or subscription details, and all that other good stuff in Tessitura. This allows you to have all of your data in one place, allowing for easy reconciliation and reporting without any manual data entry. Our integration uses standard Tessitura functionality, is compatible with consortiums, and is supported in partnership with Tessitura.

When you choose the Tessitura Integration with your 2Account, Tessitura will reach out to you to help configure your integration. They will assist with whitelisting our servers, setting up the API user, and providing you the installation scripts if you are Self Hosted or installing it for you if you are RAMP. If you need assistance with your Tessitura Integration at any time, please contact Tessitura support. 

Once your integration is connected, there are a few items to configure in your 2Account. The items below need to be configured for both your LIVE environments. More on that here


Tessitura Connection Timeout

This  is established on the Tessitura back end. The default is set to 30; however, if you are having issues with it, please contact the Tessitura Help team.

Organization Name (Consortium Only)

This is required if you are part of a consortium. If you are not, please leave this section blank.

Business Unit

Business Unit is connected to the Tessitura Web API. The default is set to 1; however, if you require a different number, please contact your Tessitura Help team and they will provide you with a new number.  Input that number in the provided text box.

Login Type

We processes a donation through the API using standard web checkout functionality. We need to know what Login Type you want us to use during this process. Typically, it will be the same Login Type as you use for your website.

Electronic Address Type
This is utilized during the login process and should be the same as the Electronic Address Type that you use for your website. If you require help with this, please contact your Tessitura Help team.

Payment Method

We use Stripe to collect payment. We process an order in Tessitura and we need a Payment Method that allows us to checkout without a credit card (because that was already completed with Stripe). Typically, the payment Type will be "Other" and will be used for payments and refunds. For security, you should control this in the user group/payment method security setup with Tessitura.

Delivery Method

For orders that use a PriceTye and Performance (Ticketing) we can set the Delivery Method. This feature is Global and cannot currently be set on a Form by Form basis. If you have a use case that needs to set the Delivery Method on a Form by Form basis reach out and let us know. We will see what we can do :)

The batch type is set to System Default; however, if you need to use a specific batch type for your orders, options are available in the drop down menu.  If you want to use a different batch type, you must specify a mode of sale.  This has to be updated within your Tessitura database; if you require help, please contact your Tessitura Help team.

Mode of Sale ID
This should be set to the default number; however, if you will be using a different mode of sale (i.e. from using a separate batch type), you can enter that number in the provided text box.

Activation of an Inactive Constituent

This feature allows an inactive Tessitura profile to be reactivated upon receipt of payment.  If the email address input during a 2Account payment matches an email on an inactive account in Tessitura, this is where the account will be reactivated.  There are several options available to you via the drop down menus in this section.  You can adjust this to a specific configuration if you so choose or you can un-select the checkbox if you don't wish for any of these actions to be taken.

No Matching Email Address

We will always look for a match on the login type and email address using Tessitura’s Guest Login API logic. If it finds a matching email attached to the designated login type, we use it to add a contribution on the Constituent record. If it does not find a matching email address, we have 2 options:

1. Create a new Constituent record (recommended approach)
2. Put the contribution order on the General Public record

New Constituent Settings

When we make a new Constituent record, we need to define the Constituent Type (Typically Individual), Address Type (Typically Home), and the Original Source (Donate2).

Name Prefixes & Suffixes

The Allowed Prefixes and Allowed Suffixes are multi-select drop down menus and allow you to customize which prefixes and suffixes you wish to have available for your forms.  These are based on Prefix and Suffix options available in your Tessitura database.

Countries & States

The Countries and States are also multi-select drop down menus and allow you to customize which Countries and States you wish to have available for your forms.  These are based on Countries and States options available in your Tessitura database.

Default Address

In the case where we need to create a new constituent record, your Tessitura setup may require a mailing address. Please provide a default mailing address just in case it is needed.

Note: If you want to use the State dropdown option of "Unknown", you must have the State "Unknown" setup in your Tessitura with a value of "XX".

Existing Accounts with No Valid Address
This option tells Tessitura to replace an error of "No valid address on the account" with the default address defined in Default Address.  If this option is configured, by checking the box, you will need to use the General Purpose CSI option which will update the account with a CSI that says the default address has been updated.

Update an Existing Default Address

For accounts that are already established in Tessitura, if this option is enabled, by checking the box, this will take an address provided in a form or via a digital wallet and update an account in Tessitura whose address matches the Default Address above with the new address.    

Customer Service Issue (CSI)

We can accept and process recurring transactions. When a recurring transaction is processed a CSI with additional information will be triggered.

The Contact Method, and Activity Type must be configured and the Origin is optional for each CSI type.

Recurring Transactions

We can accept and process recurring transactions. When a recurring transaction is processed a CSI with additional information will be triggered.

On Account

On Account transactions can be accepted. To facilitate the application of On Account money, we offer the ability to use CSIs to pass relevant information into Tessitura.

General Purpose

For a number of different reasons, we may need to send in a CSI with additional information into Tessitura for a constituent record so additional action can be taken.


For a number of different reasons, we may need to send in a CSI with additional information into Tessitura for a constituent record's address so additional action can be taken.


ere you can choose your Web Template (HTML) and Email Profile (Sender) and give this configuration a friendly name. Once you have filled out all 3 fields, you can click "+add" to save this to your account for use on a form. 


Here you can choose your Fund and create a Fund Name.  For example, if you have funds named FY21 General Operating Fund or FY21 Education Development in Tessitura, you can give them general names in your 2Account such as General Fund or Education, etc.  Once you have filled out both fields, you can click "+add" to save this to your account for use on a form. 

On Account

Here you can choose your On Account and enter a On Account Name.  Once you have filled out both fields, you can click "+add" to save this to your account for use on a form. 

Recurring Payment Conversion

his feature allows you to update a Fund and/or Source on an existing recurring payment processed in Stripe for special circumstances.  When this feature is configured, if a Recurring Payment is made in Stripe, we intercept the order going into Tessitura and we update the Fund and Source as you configured.  This feature only works on active or archived forms, it does not work on deleted form.  For further information, click here.  

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