Recurring Payment Conversion

Recurring Payment Conversion is located in your Tessitura menu in LIVE.

This feature allows you to update a Fund and/or Source on an existing recurring payment processed in Stripe for special circumstances.

If you change the source on a form that generated the original recurring payment, we will use the new Fund and/or Source for the processing the order in Tessitura.

Why use this feature?

  1. If you are moving to a completely new form and archiving the old form, but want to keep the existing Stripe recurring payments processing to a new Fund or new Source.
  2. If you want to schedule the Start Date and End Date to help you with fiscal year rollover planning.

When a Recurring Payment is made in Stripe, we intercept the order going into Tessitura and we update the Fund and Source as you configured.

This works on active and archived forms. It does not work for form that have been deleted.


You can select the form you want have processed from the drop down menu. The menu will list both active and archived forms. You may no longer be taking orders from a form and have it archived, but you still want to have any existing Stripe Recurring Payments get converted. This give you the flexibility you need.

Start Date & End Date

Select the start date for when forms will be converted. If the current day falls on or in between the start date and end date the conversion will take place.


Select a fund you want to use. It may be a new fund or it may be the same fund that you currently use.

This is optional and if you are not changing the Fund or On Account you don't need to include anything for this field.


Select a source you want to use. It will be most likely a different source. This is the most useful part of the feature.

+ Add

Click add to add a new entry.


Click delete and complete the modal window to either confirm or cancel the deletion.

Last Date Processed

This documents the the last time a conversion for this form has occurred. This gives you insight into the latest activity.

Quantity Processed

The total number of of times this conversion has run will be displayed. This gives you insight into the overall quantity and how active the conversion has been.

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