Message Manager Tokens

Organization/Company Information

Company Name: %org_company_name%

Address Line 1: %org_address1%

Address Line 2: %org_address1%

City: %org_city%

State: %org_state%

Postal Code: %org_postal%

Country: %org_country%

Website: %org_company_website%

Phone: %org_company_phone%

Tax Country: %org_tax_id_country%

Tax ID: %org_tax_id_number%

Where does the Organization/Company information come from?

Organization and Company replacement data for the tokens comes from your actual Account Information page in the right hand drop down menu in your 2Account.



Brightcove Magic Link: %magic_link%

Where does the Brightcove Magic Link take a customer?

Gallery Level IPX (iframe) uses the Product Link URL configured in the Brightcove In-Page Product Configuration  Gallery Level Portal (SSO/SAML) uses the Product Link URL configured in the Brightcove Portal Product Configuration Video Level (Plugin) uses the URL configured in the Gallery URL field in the Brightcove collapsible on the Stream2 Brightcove Form

Brightcove Gallery Product Name: %brightcove_gallery_product_name%

Where does the Gallery Product Name come from?

Gallery Level IPX (iframe) uses the Stream2 Brightcove IPX Product Name configured in the Brightcove In-Page Product Configuration   Gallery Level Portal (SSO/SAML) uses the Stream2 Brightcove Portal Product Name configured in the Brightcove Portal Product Configuration  Video Level: (Plugin) uses the Stream2 Brightcove Portal Product Name configured

Brightcove Access Length: %brightcove_access_length%

Brightcove Access Length Initial Character Uppercase: %brightcove_access_length_ic%

Where does the Access Length come from?

Access Length comes from the rolling constituency setting in the Payment Page collapsible on the Stream2 Brightcove Form: "X" day or Day, "X" month or Month, "X" year or Year.

Brightcove Expiration Date MMDDYYYY Short: %brightcove_expiration_date_MMDDYYYY_short%

Brightcove Expiration Date MMDDYYYY Long: %brightcove_expiration_date_MMDDYYYY_long%

Brightcove Expiration Date DDMMYYYY Short: %brightcove_expiration_date_DDMMYYYY_short%

Brightcove Expiration Date DDMMYYYY Long: %brightcove_expiration_date_DDMMYYYY_long%

Brightcove Expiration Date Day Of Week: %brightcove_expiration_date_day_of_week%

Where does the Brightcove Video Expiration Date come from?

Gallery Level IPX (iframe) uses the Stream2 Brightcove IPX Expiration configured in the Brightcove In-Page Product Configuration  Gallery Level Portal (SSO/SAML) uses the Stream2 Brightcove Portal Expiration configured in the Brightcove Portal Product Configuration  Video Level (Plugin) uses the Availability Scheduled end date setting within the Brightcove Media settings for a video.

Brightcove Expiration Time 12 Hour: %brightcove_expiration_time_12%

Brightcove Expiration Time 24 Hour: %brightcove_expiration_time_24%

Where does the Brightcove Expiration Time come from?

Gallery Level IPX (iframe) uses the Stream2 Brightcove IPX expiration time configured in the Brightcove In-Page Product Configuration

Gallery Level Portal (SSO/SAML) uses the Stream2 Brightcove Portal expiration time configured in the Brightcove Portal Product Configuration

Video Level (Plugin) uses the Availability Scheduled end time setting within the Brightcove Media settings for a video.

Time Zone: %time_zone%

Where does the Time Zone come from?
The Time Zone comes from the setting configured in the Account Information page of your 2Account.


Brightcove quantity of physical tickets replaced with digital stream access

This is available for the Gallery Level IPX (iframe) and Gallery Level Portal (SSO/SAML) product magic link generator.

This functionality allows you to offer ticket holders a digital stream as a replacement to their physical seats. You can distribute a specific number of magic links to replace their seats.

In cases where you are using the Brightcove Magic Link Generator and have included a column in the CSV file for ticket_quantity, you can use these additional tokens in the subject of your email and in the body of your email to let your patron know that this is ticket "X of "X". It allows them to easily distribute the digital stream to their guests so their guests can click the magic link to watch.

Ticket Quantity: %ticket_quantity%

Ticket Number: %ticket_number%


Brightcove Watch Now or Watch Later

Conditional logic for Watch Now or Watch Later:

When sending yourself a test email proof, the default is Watch Now.  You can use this as your test condition to proof your logic and presentation in the email.

%if_watch_now%You choose the option to "Watch Now" so your %brightcove_access_length% rental has begun.%/if_watch_now%%if_watch_later%You choose the option to "Watch Later" so your %brightcove_access_length% rental has not started yet.%/if_watch_later%

Additional Watch Now or Watch Later Tokens to communicate better

The Watch By Date token allows you to message to a customer when they need to start watching or finish watching depending on if they selected Watch Now or Watch Later

Note: The "Watch By Date" is calculated on what mode your patron has selected, either Watch Now or Watch Later.

Brightcove Watch By Date U.S.: %brightcove_watch_by_date_us%

Brightcove Watch By Date: %brightcove_watch_by_date%

Brightcove Promoted Days: %brightcove_promoted_access_length%

Conditional logic combining Watch Now or Watch Later and Watch By Date:

When sending yourself a test email proof, the default is Watch Now.  You can use this as your test condition to proof your logic and presentation in the email.

%if_watch_now%You choose the option to "Watch Now" so your %brightcove_promoted_access_length% day rental has begun. You should complete watching by %brightcove_watch_by_date_us%.%/if_watch_now%

%if_watch_later%You choose the option to "Watch Later" so your %brightcove_promoted_access_length% day rental has not started yet. You should start watching by %brightcove_watch_by_date_us%.%/if_watch_later%



Tessitura Order Number: %order_no%

Tessitura Customer Number: %customer_no%

Tessitura Order Date U.S.: %order_date_us%

Tessitura Order Date & Time U.S.: %order_date_time_us%

Tessitura Order Date: %order_date%

Tessitura Order Date U.S. Full: %order_date_us_full%

Tessitura Order Date & Time U.S. Full: %order_date_time_us_full%

Tessitura Order Date Full: %order_date_full%

Tessitura Perf Description: %tessitura_perf_description%

Tessitura PriceType Description: %tessitura_pricetype_description%

Tessitura Perf Price: %tessitura_perf_price%

Tessitura Total: %tessitura_total%

Tessitura Grand Total: %tessitura_grand_total%

Tessitura Paid Total: %tessitura_paid_total%

Tessitura On Account Total: %tessitura_on_account_total%

Grand Total: %grand_total% (used for Stripe Only Stream2)

Tessitura Complete Total: %tessitura_complete_total% (Fund, Ticketing, and On Account all totaled up)


Buyer/Donor Address

Buyer Company: %buyer_company%

Buyer Email: %buyer_email%

Buyer First Name: %buyer_first_name%

Buyer Last Name: %buyer_last_name%

Buyer Full Name: %buyer_full_name%

Buyer Short Name: %buyer_short_name%

Buyer Prefix: %buyer_prefix%

Buyer Suffix: %buyer_suffix%

Buyer Address 1: %buyer_address1%

Buyer Address 2: %buyer_address2%

Buyer City: %buyer_city%

Buyer State: %buyer_state%

Buyer Postal Code: %buyer_postal_code%

Buyer Country: %buyer_country%

Buyer Phone: %buyer_phone%

Buyer Address Complete: %buyer_address_complete% This renders the complete buyer address with 1 token

You can also individually use the tokens to create an address.

Conditional logic for Address:

%buyer_city%, %buyer_state% %buyer_postal_code% %buyer_country%


Gift Recipient

Gift Recipient Email:

Gift Recipient First Name: 

Gift Recipient Full Name
: %gift_recipient_full_name%

Gift Recipient Message: %gift_recipient_message%



Shipping Email: %shipping_email%

Shipping Name: %shipping_name%

Shipping_Address_Line1: %shipping_address_line1%

Shipping_Address_Line2: %shipping_address_line2%

Shipping_City: %shipping_city%

Shipping State: %shipping_state%

Shipping Postal Code: %shipping_postal_code%

Shipping Country: %shipping_country%

Shipping Phone: %shipping_phone%

Shipping Address Complete: %shipping_address_complete% This renders the complete shipping address with 1 token



Add-On Donation Amount: %add_on_donation_amount%

Cover Cost Amount: %cover_cost_amount%

Conditional logic for Add On Donation and Cover Cost:

When sending yourself a test email proof, the default for Add On Donation and Cover Cost is true. You can use this as your test condition to proof your logic and presentation in the email.

%add_on_donation="1"%Thanks for your add on donation of $%add_on_donation_amount%%/add_on_donation%%cover_cost="1"%, and for covering $%cover_cost_amount% of processing costs%/cover_cost%%add_on_donation="1"%.%/add_on_donation%


Enhanced Flex

Fund or On Account Name: %fund_on_account_name%

Add On Donation does not support the use of this token

Button Amount: %button_amount%

Count Increment: %count_increment%

Recurring: %recurring%

Recurring Uppercase: %recurring_uppercase%

Recurring Sentence: %recurring_sentence%

Recurring Uppercase Sentence: %recurring_uppercase_sentence%

Add-On Donation Amount: %add_on_donation_amount%

Add-On Recurring: %add_on_recurring%

Add-On Recurring Uppercase: %add_on_recurring_uppercase%

Add-On Recurring Sentence: %add_on_recurring_sentence%

Add-On Recurring Uppercase Sentence: %add_on_recurring_uppercase_sentence%

Add-On Product Amount: %add_on_product_amount%

Conditional logic for Frequency One-Time and Recurring:

When sending yourself a test email proof, the default is Recurring. You can use this as your test condition to proof your logic and presentation in the email.

%if_button_one_time%Thank you for your one-time $%button_amount% contribution.%/if_button_one_time%

%if_button_recurring%Thank you for your %recurring% recurring contribution of $%button_amount%%/if_button_recurring%

Conditional logic for Add-On Donation:

When sending yourself a test email proof, the default is Recurring. You can use this as your test condition to proof your logic and presentation in the email.

%if_add_on_frequency_one_time%Thank you for your additional one-time donation of $%add_on_donation_amount%%/if_add_on_frequency_one_time%

%if_add_on_frequency_recurring%Thank you for your additional %add_on_recurring% recurring donation of $%add_on_donation_amount%.%/if_add_on_frequency_recurring%

Conditional logic for Add-On Products:

%has_add_on_products_flex%You've purchased a $100 Parking Pass.%/has_add_on_products_flex%

Fair Market Value:

Value of the Ticket: %fmv_amount%

Value of the Donation: %fmv_donation_amount%

Conditional for if the patron was charged money and a transaction took place

Non transaction specific content


all the transaction information goes here


More Non transaction specific content

Enhanced Donation

Fund or On Account Name: %fund_on_account_name%

Recurring: %recurring%

Recurring Uppercase: %recurring_uppercase%

Recurring Sentence: %recurring_sentence%

Recurring Uppercase Sentence: %recurring_uppercase_sentence%

Conditional logic for Frequency One-Time and Recurring:When sending yourself a test email proof, the default is Recurring. You can use this as your test condition to proof your logic and presentation in the email.

%if_frequency_one_time%Thank you for your one-time $%tessitura_grand_total% contribution.%/if_frequency_one_time% %if_frequency_recurring%Thank you for your recurring %recurring_uppercase% contribution of $%tessitura_grand_total%%/if_frequency_recurring%


Enhanced Questions

If you want to output specific text in a Message Manager email based on if a check box was checked or not you can use the JSON key to test against. Here is an example of a check box that has a JSON key of "test-toggle". If it was checked on the form, you can display whatever text you need. If it was unchecked on the form, you can display whatever text you need. In this case, we simply output "Checked" or "Unchecked".

%if_question id="test-toggle" value="1"%Checked%/if_question%

%if_question id="test-toggle" value="0"%Unchecked%/if_question%


Flex2 Payment Form

Salutation: %display_name%

Order Number: %order_no%

Order Date: %order_date_us%

Order Total: %total_invoice_amount%

Toggle Order Details: %order_details_us%

Payment Schedule U.S.: %billing_schedule_us%

Payment Schedule: %billing_schedule%

Toggle Order Details U.S.: %order_details_us%

Toggle Order Details: %order_details%

Always Show Order Details U.S.: %order_details_always_us%

Always Show Order Details EU and AP: %order_details_always%


"_us" designation for the tokens above is for United States date formatting.

AP and EU should use the none "_us" version


Flex2 Payment Notification Email

Header Image: %header_image% (Pulls from the header image of the Form)

Number Of Orders: %qty_orders%

Order Number: %order_no%

Order Date: %order_date_us%

Order Total: $%order_amount_total%

Order Balance: $%order_amount_balance%

Repeat For Each Order: %foreachorder% ... %endforeachorder%

Payment Link: %order_payment_link%


Flex2 Payment Receipt Email:

Header Image: %header_image% (Pulls from the header image of the Form)

Number Of Orders:%qty_orders%

Order Number: %order_no%

Paid Amount: %paid_amount%

Balance Amount: %balance_amount%

Customer Paid Due Amount: %if_pay_due%...%/if_pay_due%

Customer Paid Full Amount: %if_pay_full%...%/if_pay_full%

Order Number: %order_no%

Order Date: %order_date_us%

Order Total: $%order_amount_total%

Order Balance: $%order_amount_balance%

Payment Schedule: %billing_schedule%

Order Details: %order_details_us%

Order Amount: %total_invoice_amount%
Past Payments: %previous_paid_amount_total%
Current Balance: %balance_amount_previous%
Payment Amount: %paid_amount%
Remaining Balance: %balance_amount%
Total Order Payments: %paid_total%
Payment Link: %payment_link%


Customer Portal Manager

Customer Portal Manager URL: %customer_service_portal_url% This URL is determined by the type of form that is generating the URL. A Donate2 Form will be and a Stream2 Form will be


Split Payment Amount

Split Payment Primary Amount: %split_payment_primary_amount% This comes from the Price field on the form.

Split Payment Secondary Amount: %split_payment_secondary_amount% This comes from the Split Payment Amount field on the form.

Split Payment Primary Amount with Add On: %split_payment_primary_addon_amount% This comes from the Price field on the form and includes the total of the Add On Donation including any Cover Cost amount. This can be used to present the total tax deductible or non tax deductible amount of a transaction depending on how you are using the Price field.

Split Payment Secondary Amount with Add On: %split_payment_secondary_addon_amount% This comes from the Split Payment Amount field on the form and includes the total of the Add On Donation including any Cover Cost amount. This can be used to present the total tax or non tax deductible amount of a transaction depending on how you are using the Split Payment Amount field.

Split Payment Primary Amount with Cover Cost: %split_payment_primary_cover_cost_amount% This comes from the Price field on the form and includes just the Cover Cost amount. This can be used to present the total tax deductible amount of a transaction depending on how you are using Cover Cost on the form.

Split Payment Secondary Amount with Cover Cost: %split_payment_secondary_cover_cost_amount% This comes from the Split Payment Amount field on the form and includes just the Cover Cost amount. This can be used to present the total tax deductible amount of a transaction depending on how you are using Cover Cost on the form.

Conditional logic for Split Payment:

When sending yourself a test email proof, the default for Split Payment is true. You can use this as your test condition to proof your logic and presentation in the email.

%if_split_payment%The tax deductible amount is $%split_payment_primary_amount% and the non tax deductible amount is $%split_payment_secondary_amount%.%/if_split_payment%


Question & Answer

Quick Donation Question: %question%

Quick Donation Answer: %answer%

Enhanced Donation Questions and Answers:


Conditional logic for Enhanced Donation Questions and Answers

When sending yourself a test email proof, the default for Enhanced Donation Questions and Answers is true. You can use this as your test condition to proof your logic and presentation in the email.

%if_questions_answers% The questions we asked and the answers you provided:



Method of Payment

Payment Method: %payment_method%

Example of Payment Methods:

Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Discover

Digital Wallet: %digital_wallet%

Example of Digital Wallets:

ApplePay, GooglePay, AliPay



Selected Button Name: %selected_button%
Selected Button Price Text Line 1: %selected_price_line_text1%
Selected Button  Price Text Line 2: %selected_price_line_text2%

Conditional logic for the selected button:

When sending yourself a test email proof, the default button number is 1.  Since your test email is not pulling actual submitted data, button 1 will be what appear in your test emails.  You can use this as your test condition to proof your logic and presentation in the email.

You purchased level:%button id="1"% Button 1: You selected Button 1 %/button% %button id="2"% Button 2: You selected Button 2 %/button% %button id="3"% Button 3: You selected Button 3 %/button% %button id="4"% Button 4: You selected Button 4 %/button% %button id="5"% Button 5: You selected Button 5 %/button% %button id="6"%

Button 6: You selected Button 6



Team Fundraising

Program Name: %program_name%

Team Name: %team_name%

Team Member First Name: %team_member_first_name%

Team Member Last Name: %team_member_last_name%

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