Message Manager Conditional Content

Make personalization easy with Conditional Content! Within any emails that you build in the Message Manager, you can include tokens that populate personalized content for a variety of data points, such as if they opted to cover costs or include an add-on donation. This allows you to send out a variety of messages at different points in the customer journey that are tailored that person without any extra effort on your part. 

The following data points can be used as conditional content within a Message Manager email:

  1. Button Number
    The number for buttons on your form start with 1 and count up for each additional button on the form.
    If your form had 5 buttons and you want different messaging for each button, you would have 5 conditions
    %button id="1"% ... %/button%
  2. Cover Costs
    Where 1 = true and 0 = false
    %cover_cost="1"% ... %/cover_cost%
  3. Add On Donation
    Where 1 = true and 0 = false
    %add_on_donation="1"% ... %/add_on_donation%
  4. Split Payment Amount
    %if_split_payment% ... %/if_split_payment%
  5. Watch Now
    %if_watch_now% ... %/if_watch_now%
  6. Watch Later
    %if_watch_later% ... %/if_watch_later%
  7. Question & Answer
    %question_answer="1"% ... %/question_answer%
  8. Address Line 2
    %if_address_line2% ... %/if_address_line2%
  9. Team Fundraising - Remain Anonymous
    %if_anonymous% ... %/if_anonymous%<br>

Testing your logic

When sending yourself a test email proof, the default button number is 1.  Since your test email is not pulling data from anywhere, any button labeled with 1 will be what appear in your test email.  You can use this as your test condition to proof your logic and presentation in the email.

Opening & Closing Conditional Tags
The syntax for the conditional content start with  %button id="1"%  and closes with  %/button%.

%button id="1"%    Place your content between the tags   %/button%

Multi Line Presentation

If you would like the conditional content to be displayed on multiple lines, use the format below.

You purchased level:
%button id="1"%
Style Icon
One (1) VIP main floor or box seat ticket

%button id="2"%
Runway Collection
Two (2) VIP main floor or box seat tickets

%button id="3"%
Tres Chic
Three (3) VIP main floor or box seat tickets

%button id="4"%
Au Courant
Four (4) VIP main floor or box seat tickets

%button id="5"%
Haute Couture
Five (5) VIP main floor or box seat tickets

From the example above, if a customer were to purchase using the "Au Courant" button (Button Number 4), information within the email would appear detailing information about the Au Courant like this:

You purchased level:
Au Courant
Two (4) VIP main floor or box seat tickets

Single Line Presentation

If you would like the conditional content to be displayed as a single line, use the format below.

You purchased level:
%button id="1"% Style Icon: One (1) VIP main floor or box seat ticket%/button%
%button id="2"% Runway Collection: Two (2) VIP main floor or box seat tickets%/button%
%button id="3"% Tres Chic: Three (3) VIP main floor or box seat tickets%/button%
%button id="4"% Au Courant: Four (4) VIP main floor or box seat tickets%/button%
%button id="5"% Haute Couture: Five (5) VIP main floor or box seat tickets%/button%

From the example above, if a customer were to purchase using the "Au Courant" button (Button Number 4), information within the email would appear detailing information about the Au Courant like this:

You purchased level:
Au Courant: Two (4) VIP main floor or box seat tickets

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