Payment Manager - Apply Outside Payment

Apply A Flex2 Payment

For payments made outside the Flex2 Payment Process... Like mailed in checks

When a customer makes a payment outside the Flex2 Payment Form process, you will use this form to keep the Flex2 Payments in sync with Tessitura. For example, if a customer sent in a check for the first payment, you can enter the check in Tessitura and then use this form keep the payments in sync or you can use this form to update both Tessitura and the Flex2 Payment to keep them in sync.

Launching the "Apply A Flex2 Payment " window

When you select the green order number link from the Payment Manager listing, a new browser window will be generated.

The order number is listed along with the order details showing the status if the billing schedule

Generate A Payment

  • Amount
    The Amount dropdown will list the line items from the billing schedule. This selection will determine which billing schedule line item will be affected.
  • Generation Type
    The Generation Type dropdown will list 2 options: Tessitura and Flex2 or Flex2. This selection will determine where the payment will be applied.
  • Payment Method
    This only displays when you have the Generation Type set to Tessitura and Flex2. The Payment Method dropdown will list your payment methods from your Tessitura.

Apply a Tessitura and Flex2 Payment

  1. A check for $210 was sent into the office and nothing has been updated in Tessitura to reflect the receipt of the check.
  2. Select the line item that represents the amount you want to apply.
  3. Select Tessitura and Flex from the Generation Type dropdown.
  4. Select the Payment Method - in this case Check.
  5. Select Generate Payment and follow the instructions to confirm the update you want to apply.

The order will be update in Tessitura reflecting the payment by check. 

Apply a Flex2 Payment only

  1. A check for $210 was sent into the office and it was updated in Tessitura to reflect the receipt of the check.
  2. Select the line item that represents the amount you want to apply.
  3. Select Flex from the Generation Type dropdown.
  4. Select Generate Payment and follow the instructions to confirm the update you want to apply.

After applying the payment, the next time a payment is due, it will display correctly.

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