Payment Manager

The Payment Manager is where you'll setup Payment Groups that can be scheduled and automated to send out Message Manager emails with links to Flex2 Payment Forms for unpaid orders in Tessitura. Additionally, you can use the quick send button to immediately deploy an email to provide a customer the form link for payment.

You can find the Payment Manager in the right hand menu.

Every organization may have different Payment Groups based on their needs and requirements.

In the sample below, there are 3 different Payment Groups.

  1. Group Sales

    This is going out to tour operators to pay for unpaid group sales orders they placed over the phone.

  2. Summer School

    This is going out to pay for an unpaid order of a teacher that created a reservation for a summer school event. The teacher can forward the link to a school executive to make the payment.

  3. Subscription Renewal

    This is going out to season ticket subscribers to pay for unpaid subscription orders along with an optional add-on donation and/or a suggested donation amount.

Payment Group Configuration

Click the edit icon to make edits to the settings. Once you complete the 8 step configuration, which only takes a minute, you can preview and proof the results.

Step 1: Name the Payment Group

Give the Payment Group a name

Step 2: Add the Tessitura Stored Procedure Details

  • Stored Prodecure ID

    Enter the ID number of the Tessitura Local Procedure that you want to the automation to execute. At the top of the Payment Manager page, we provide you with a libnk toLocal Procedure that you can install and customize as needed. This customization will need to be done by your Tessitura DB Administrator. You can find the ID of the Local Procedure in the TR_Local_Procedure table in the Id column.

  • Mode of Sale

    Enter the ID for the Mode of Sale that is being used for the orders that apply to this Payment Manager Automation. This parameter will be passed into the Local Procedure. This will help segment the orders that will be pulled through the Local Procedure.

  • Days Ahead

    Enter the number of days ahead that you want the procedure to look for orders that are due. This parameter will be passed into the Local Procedure. We honor the billing schedule that is created on the order. On the 20th, this order would be picked up if the Days Ahead value of 7 was entered since the due date is on the 27th.

Why isn't an order showing up in the scheduled automation or when I preview the payment data?

Order Payment Schedule / Billing Schedule

You must have one or more Due Date / Amount line items saved for a given unpaid order to ensure it pulls through when the Payment Manager either runs the scheduled automation or you use the blue magnifying glass icon to View Payment Data.

Email Address

An email address is required on the account with the unpaid order for the stored procedure to pick up the order.

Step 3: Choose the Frequency to run the Tessitura Stored Procedure

  • Interval

    Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly from the drop down menu. This refers to how often you want the Payment Manager Automation to run.

  • Day of Week

    If you select Daily, there are no options. It will run every day.

    Weekly allows you to choose the day of the week. It will run once a week.

    Monthly allow you to choose the day of the month. It will run once a month.

Step 4: Choose the Time of Day to run the Tessitura Stored Procedure

Using the time selector you can schedule down to the minute of any hour.

Step 5: Select the Flex2 Payment Form to use

This is the Flex2 Payment Form that will be presented to the payee when they click on the link for payment.

Step 6: Select the Message Manager Email to deploy

This is the Message Manager email that will be deployed to the payee as a reminder that they have unpaid order(s). This email will contain link(s) to each unpaid order. These links will use the Flex2 Payment Form selected in Step 5 of this setup.

Step 7: Add a Description of this Trigger

Enter a description of why this automation was created so you and other coworkers will have a reminder of exactly what this is doing.

Step 8: Add Notification Email Addresses

Enter the email addresses of anyone you want to receive notification for when the automation runs along with the results. 

Preview the qualifying orders

Select the (blue) magnifying glass for the Payment Group you want to preview

The preview will pop up where you can:

  • Display between 1 to 100 Payment Group Orders at a time and paginate through the orders.
  • Sort by columns. The default is by Order Number with the most recent at the top.
  • Search for a keyword or string to find matching payments. This is a free form search.
  • Generate a Flex2 Payment Form to proof the form or to copy and send the form link to a customer for payment.

The columns displayed are as follows:

  • Customer: Customer Number of the order Owner (World Wide Tour Operator, Inc. or Jane Doe).
  • Order: Order Number for the unpaid order.
  • Login Email: Email address of the Owner. This email address is used along with the Login Type you assigned in your Tessitura integration for the Payment Manager Login Type. If the Owner account doesn't have a matching Login Type, we will add the Login Type you assigned in your Tessitura integration to the Owner email address at the time of processing the first payment for a given Email.
  • Initiator Email: Email address of the Initiator. If provided, the Initiator email will be used for all communications. The Initiator will receive the notification emails and receipt emails. If no Initiator email is provided, the Login Email will be used.
  • Due Amount: This represents only the next payment that is due in the billing schedule for this order.
  • Generate Form Icon: When the green gear icon is displayed, it means that the form has never been rendered and a link has never been generated. Clicking the green gear icon will generate a form link and pop up the form to review or make a payment.
  • Display Form Icon: The blue pop up icon will pop up the form to review or make a payment.
  • Email: Coming soon. Ability to deploy a Message Manager email immediately to the customer bypassing the need to wait until the next time the automation runs.

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