Pledge & Gift - Donate2 Enhanced Donation

The Donate2 Enhanced donation form can process contributions as one of the following:

  • Pledge - Recurring (weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, and Annual) contributions
  • Gift - One-Time contributions.

Once the Pledge & Gift functionality is enabled Designations become available. Additionally, On Account is no longer available. You will be using a Fund, Source and Channel.

Pledge & Gift

Enable / Disable

Enable turn on the Pledge & Gift functionality

Disable turns off the Pledge & Gift functionality


All of the Friendly Fund names that have been configured in your Tessitura LIVE Funds configuration will be available in this multi-select dropdown.


Sources that are available to the D2 user can be searched and selected. Remember, when searching it can take some time and you must enter up to 3 characters in the Source name or the 3 characters of the source number.

If you make a new source and cannot find it by searching, you may need to refresh the Tessitura LIVE cache.


This should always be set to your Donate2 channel.


The Designations that are available are based on the source you have selected.

A Source is assigned to an Appeal and is attributed to a Campaign which provides access to the assigned Designations.

  • You can select a Designation from the dropdown and optionally, enter an alternative name. Otherwise, the name of the Designation will be used.
  • Use the +Add button to add the Designation to your list of options.
  • If you only select 1 Designation, that Designation will be used and no options will be presented to the donor.
  • If you select multiple Designations, the donor will be presented with a dropdown asking the donor where they would like to apply their gift.
  • The dropdown is be available in the Form Layout collapsible so you can place it on the form where you want it.
  • You can sort, set a default, rename, and delete the Designations.

Which Designation Option

Defaults to : Where would you like to apply your gift?

  • Customize the prompt that appears to donors, such as "Where would you like to apply your gift?"
  • Use HTML tags like <strong> for emphasis.

Option Text Color

Defaults to: #000000FF

  • Choose a color for the option text (e.g., #0000FF for blue).

Option Width

  • Set the width of the dropdown menu where donors select their designation (e.g., 300px).

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