Tessitura Fees

Tessitura Fees

You can use Tessitura Fees to record Sales Tax that has been collected when used with the power of Stripe Tax and our Stripe Hosted Payment integration.

Supported Donate2 | Stream2 | Flex2 Forms
Stream2 Brightcove Beacon

Required REST User Permissions

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Tessitura Fee Setup

In Tessitura, select the Ticketing Setup Menu the select Fees from the Ticketing Setup dropdown menu.

  1. Add or copy a new Fee to the Available Fees
  2. General Settings for the Fee setup with vary for every organization
  3. Calculation Method must be "User-Defined"
  4. Calculation Rules will mostly be disabled after selecting "User Defined"
  5. Fee Amount should be ".00"
  6. User Can Edit Amount should be "Yes"

Stream2 Brightcove Beacon Setup
You must have the Stripe Tax feature enabled in your Stripe account for this to work.

  1. Enable Stripe Hosted Payments from the collapsible
  2. Enable Automatic Tax Collection
  3. Select Fee
  4. Select the Fee dropdown and select the fee you want to use to store the tax amount dynamically generated at checkout by Stripe Tax

Stream2 Brightcove Beacon Form
When the form is loaded, the button is displayed to take the patron to the Stripe Hosted Payment page.

Stripe Hosted Payment
During the payment process the postal code for the patron is checked and Stripe Tax does all the calculations (Magic) to determine what tax will be collected.

Tessitura Order
After the process is complete, the order is available in Tessitura along with the breakout of the base payment to either a Fund, On Account, or as a Price Type and Performance. The sales tax is recorded into the Streaming Tax fee that we assigned.

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