Geo Protection

Geo Protection - Video Level

The Geo Protection feature is available on the Stream2 Brightcove Plugin Integration.

Geo Protection is a feature that allows you to protect a Brightcove video using the Stream2 Brightcove Plugin at the video level.

Brightcove Video
Select the video you wish to protect.

Select the countries you wish to allow. By default, when you protect a video all countries are restricted.

Geo Protection - Before Login or After Login
Before Login will do a Geo Protection check before the user logs in. This would be good for a On-Demand Rental. You don't want to sell something they cannot watch.

After Login will do a Geo Protection check after the user logs in. This would be good for a Monthly or Yearly Subscription. In a subscription, there are lots of video to watch that won't be Geo Protected.

Restricted Message Text
Enter the text you wish to display.

Message Background Color
Select the background color and transparency you wish to apply on the protected video.

Message Text Color
Select the text color and transparency you wish to apply on the restricted text.

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