Full Address Collection

When configuring any Donate2, Stream2 or Flex2 Forms, you have the ability to use Full Address Collection.

Requirements in order to use Full Address Collection:
1. Assign REST User Permissions in the Tessitura Security application
2. Choose your Prefixes, Suffixes, States, and Countries within your Tessitura TEST and LIVE menu in your 2Account
3. Setup your Address CSI within your Tessitura menu in your 2Account
4. Check the "Update An Existing Default Address" if you want this capability
5. Enable the Address feature on a Form

1. Assign these REST User Permissions

Add (Post), Edit (Put), View (Get)
Add (Post), Edit (Put), View (Get)
View (Get)
View (Get)
View (Get)
View (Get)
View (Get)

2. Configure your Prefixes, Suffixes, States and Countries
The Prefixes, Suffixes, States and Countries are located in the Tessitura LIVE and TEST configuration collapsable between New Constituent Settings and Default Address. If nothing shows up in these menus, you do not have the permissions assigned. More specifics below.

3. Configure your Address CSI
The Address CSI is located in the Tessitura LIVE and TEST Customer Service Issue (CSI) collapsable.

Contact Method should be Donate2. You will need to make another Activity Type for the Address CSI. The Origin field is optional.

4. Update An Existing Default Address
This check box is a global setting and is located in your 2Account in your Tessitura LIVE configuration collapsable.

5. Form Configuration
On Donate2 Forms, Full Address Collection is located in the Donor Address collapsable. On Stream2 and Flex2 Forms, Full Address Collection is located in the Buyer Address collapsable. More specifics below.

Important note on creating an address on a new account:
If a constituent account DOES NOT exist and we have to create one, we will do everything we can to get the best address data onto the record. The Default Address you configured is the last data that we will use. If we can get the Zip Code from the credit card we will update that on the new record address as this alone creates better reporting and can be used for demographics and wealth management. 

Important note on updating/overwriting existing addresses:
If a constituent account DOES exist, we do not overwrite the already existing address unless you choose the "Overwrite Address" feature. The exception is if you have the global setting "Update An Existing Default Address" turned on and the existing address is a default address. In that case we do update the address on the account. But if the address is a good address we will NOT overwrite unless you explicitly indicate to do that.  It is our opinion that you should not use this feature unless you are specifically looking to update a constituents address. In any case, all address data collected will be put into a CSI, so someone on your team can review the address data.

Cascading Address Collection
Full Address Collection works with a cascading approach. Address information can come from 4 primary locations. The order of importance is: #1 data from the form fields as the best, to #4 which is default address data from Tessitura.

Address data will come from the following:
1. Form Address using any of the 11 fields you configured
2. Digital Wallet Address like Apple Pay or Google Pay (Everything but Prefix and Suffix)
3. Credit Card Processing (Zip in some Countries)
4. Default Address you configured in your Tessitura LIVE

The following chart shows priority and how the data will cascade down to the constituents address.

Enable Address
Change this to "Yes" for the address feature to display on a form. Change this to "No" for the address feature to be removed from a form.

Overwrite Address **Use with caution**
If a constituent account DOES exist, we do not overwrite the already existing address unless you choose the "Overwrite Address" feature. It is our opinion that you should not use this feature unless you are specifically looking to update a constituents address. In any case, all address data collected will be put into a CSI, so someone on your team can review the address data.

Buyer/Donor Address
When you enable the Full Address Collection feature, you can collect 11 optional data points including Prefix, Suffix, First Name, Last Name, Address Line 1, Address Line2, City, State, Zip, Country, and Phone. Each can be enabled and each can be required. These choices and options are up to how you want to configure the Full Address Collection.

Title & Labels
You can rename the Title of the section from the default of "Address" to "Contact information" or whatever you want. You can rename the Labels so they show correctly on the form based on your country or preferences. For example, "Zip" can be changed to "Post Code" or "State" can be changed to "Territory".

Required Background
You can specify the background color for any fields that are required. We suggest a light tint of color styled to match your branding or a light Red. If you don't want to tint the fields just set the color to #FFFFFFFF white and totally transparent.

You can specify which fields will be enabled and displayed.

You can specify which fields will be required. Payment buttons are disabled until the requirements are met. These fields are marked with an asterisk.

Prefixes & Suffixes
Located in your Tessitura TEST and LIVE configuration you can select and deselect the Prefixes and Suffixes you want to make available. These values are coming from your Tessitura.

Select the Prefixes that you want available on the forms.

Select the Suffixes that you want available on the forms.

Countries & States
Located in your Tessitura TEST and LIVE configuration you can select and deselect the Countries and States you want to make available. These values are coming from your Tessitura.

Select the Countries that you want available on the forms.

Select the States that you want available on the forms.

Customer Service Issue (CSI) Address configuration
All Full Address Collection data will be bundled up in an Address CSI. This is configured in your Tessitura menu in the Customer Service Issue (CSI) collapsable.

On your Donate2, Stream2, Flex2 Forms 
Address information will display and payment is disabled if there are any required fields than remain incomplete.

The credit card area may have a checkbox "Same as above" to copy down the First Name and Last Name from the form fields above if they exist.

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