What does "A specified login name already exists for this email." or "Specified LoginName already exists for this WebLogin" error from Tessitura mean and how can I fix it?
Resource: web/registration Response: "Code": "DUPLICATE_ENTITY" Description: "Specified LoginName already exists for this WebLogin."
When this happens, the transaction in Stripe was completed and the customer experience was perfect. They have no idea there was an issue, which is good.
Here is why this can happen:
We use Tessitura guest login and attempt to find the constituent record. In this case, we didn't find a record because the email address someone@here.com is not an email on the constituent record.
Once that change is made in Tessitura, you can use the Resend button on the 2 Account Dashboard.
Searching for the problem record
To help find the record that is causing the issue, you can try a search using the Advanced: Web Login, Operator: Like or Is, Value: (the email you are looking for).
Check those accounts for a login that already has (the email you are looking for) in the Login field and remove it.
Here is an example of where we are trying to login or create an account for someone@somewhere.com. The issue is that someone@somewhere.com set as the login for the email address of businesssolutions@tessituranetwork.com. This would cause an the error:
"Specified LoginName already exists for this WebLogin."
How you solve this and which account(s) you update are up to you. By removing the someone@somewhere.com and replacing it with the businesssolutions@tessituranetwork.com we'll be able to create an account for someone@somewhere.com. If someone@somewhere.com already exists, then make sure that the email and login for someone@somewhere.com match.
In the end, make sure that you only have 1 account that has the Login: set to (the email you are looking for) and the email address set to (the email you are looking for). That is the account we will find.
This is a bit confusing but we hope this helps.