Tessitura On Account Payment Method

Donate2 forms are able process payments using an On Account payment method and will generate a CSI in Tessitura.

It's possible for a Donate2 form to present both a Fund option (For example: Annual Fund) and an On Account option (For Example: Membership) when a patron is completing a payment. The drop down for "Please apply to:" can display both options. The payment will process based on the option the patron selects. If the patron is giving you $100, they can decide to give it to the Annual Fund (Fund) or have it applied to their Membership (On Account).

On Account 

On Account is located in your Tessitura menu in both LIVE Environment and TEST Environment setup. 

You can select an On Account payment method and give it a friendly name. This friendly name is what will be used to configure the Donate2 form and if options are available to the patron completing the payment, the friendly name is what will be displayed to the patron.

Tessitura On Account CSI

A CSI will trigger for all On Account transactions (even recurring). The information we pass back in on the CSI is as follows: 

  • Name: Stephen Lynch
  • Email: stephen@lynch2.com
  • Phone: +12246593680
  • Street 1: 123 Main Street
  • Street 2
  • City: Woodlawn
  • State: IL
  • Country: US
  • Postal code: 60124
  • Amount: 107.80
  • Source: 73/Lobby QR Code
  • Channel: 8/Donate2
  • Donation Type: On Account
  • Payment Method: 30/On-account Donate2 Donations
  • Gift: No

Form Configuration

On each form in the Tessitura Test & Live Environments section you can configure which funds and On Account methods you'd like selected. Donate2 will present both a Fund option (For example: Annual Fund) and an On Account option (For Example: Membership) when a patron is completing a payment if multiple options are configured for the form.

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