Form URL Parameters: Key-Value Pairs

We currently support several URL Parameters using Key-Value pairs, as well as other Key-Value pairs you're able to define.

Note: Not all URL parameters are available on all form types. See below for more details.

With Key-Value pairs, one of the components is designated to be a “Key” and the other is designated to be the “Value” that are added to the end of your form link URL. Think of them like tokens in an email to personalize someones name, but in your URL. 

Using Key-Value pairs allows you to pass in information to a form. You can use these values to make the form more personalized. For example, you can autofill email address, first name, last name for the credit card or to dynamically set a donation request amount on a Donate2 Donation Form based on what you know about the donor in your CRM. The value needs to be populated from some database, such as your email system, CRM, or other platform. It's common for the value to be a token that will allow you to generate the values unique to each donor.

Flex2 or Stream2 Form Example

Say you have 4 buttons on your form and the form defaults to the first button. You can select a different button to be activated by passing a Key-Value pair of f2btn=2 or s2btn=2. By doing so, the form will load with button 2 activated.

Flex2 Enhanced Flex Example (default to $100 Membership) (this will activate the $240 Membership) (this will activate the $500 Membership) (this will activate the $1,200 Membership) (this will activate the $2,400 Membership)

Donate2 Donation Form Example

Say the default ask on your form is 100, but you want to send the form to 1,000 of your "core" donors. You can use the Key-Value pairs to change what ask amount is displayed on the form, making it so that each donor will receive a personalized ask based on their relationship with you. One donor may be asked d2pa=250 another d2pa=1500 and so on. 

Donate2 Enhanced Donation Form Example

Say the default ask on your form is 100, but you want to send the form to 1,000 of your "core" donors. You can use the Key-Value pairs to change what ask amount is displayed on the form, making it so that each donor will receive a specific ask based on their relationship with you. One donor may be asked d2sa=250 another d2sa=1500 and so on. 

Example Formatting

Example URL (Region dependent) with URL Parameter Key-Value pairs: = the base URL

XXXXXX = your form ID

? = The start of the URL parameters placed just after the form ID “ d2pa” = Key “ 250” = Value (remember, this value has to come from somewhere!) & = Indicates another Key-Value pair will follow

“d2fn” = Key

“Stephen” = Value (remember, this value has to come from somewhere!)

& = Indicates another Key-Value pair will follow

“d2ln” = Key

“Lynch” = Value  (remember, this value has to come from somewhere!)

& = Indicates another Key-Value pair will follow “ d2em” = Key “” = Value  (remember, this value has to come from somewhere!)

The following are specific to Flex2 & Stream2 Forms:

Activating a specific button

f2btn=3 or S2btn=3 (where f2btn is the “Key” and 3 is the “Value”) Using this would activate button 3 on the form. If the Value 3 does not exist as a button, the request will be ignored and the form will load as it normally would. . Valid amounts are from 1 to the number of buttons on a form.

The following are specific to Enhanced Donate2 Donation Forms:

Donate2 Enhanced Donation - Custom Amounts and setting the Default Amount

d2ca=10-20-30 (where d2ca is the “Key” and 10-20-30 is the “Value”)Using d2ca=10-20-30 would override and set the amount options on the form to $10, $20, and $30.

In addition to the Custom Amount (d2ca) you can add "&d2da=20" and the default amount highlighted will be the value you pass in.d2da=20 (where d2da is the “Key” and 20 is the “Value”)Using d2da=20 would override and set the default amount highlighted on the form $20.

Donate2 Enhanced Donation - Specific Ask 

d2sa=321 (where d2sa is the “Key” and 321 is the “Value”) Using d2sa=321 would set a specific ask amount of $321. This value will go into the Other amount field unless it matches the amount of one of the donation button amounts.

Donate2 Enhanced Donation - Recurring or One-Time Donation

d2rd=1 (where d2rd is the “Key” and 1 is the “Value”) Using d2rd=1 would set the type of donation to Recurring.


0 = One-Time 1 = Recurring

Donate2 Enhanced Donation  - Recurring Frequency

d2rf=2 (where d2rf is the “Key” and number is the “Value”) Using d2rf=2 would set the Recurring Donation to Monthly.


1 = Weekly 2 = Monthly 3 = Quarterly 4 = Semi-Annual 5 = Annual

Donate2 Enhanced Donation - Invoice/Payment Mode

d2in=1 (where d2in is the “Key” and 1 is the “Value”)Using d2in=1 would set the form into a mode where no amount buttons or other amount field is shown.

What $ amount is shown?

If you are just using the d2in=1 parameter, the amount shown will be the default price amount set on the form.

If you combine this with the Specific Ask parameter d2sa=721, you can dynamically set the amount.

The following are specific to Donate2 Donation Forms:

Donate2 Personalized Ask (this could be used to pass in a subscription or membership amount or renewal amount)

d2pa=175 (where d2pa is the “Key” and 175 is the “Value”) Using this would set a personalized ask amount of 175. If the Value 175 does not exist in your donation amount choices, it will be added and set as the default automatically. Valid amounts are from 1 to 99,999

Donate2 Suggested Donation (use to to suggest a donation amount above and beyond their renewal)

d2sd=120 (where d2sd is the “Key” and 120 is the “Value”) Using this would set a suggested donation amount of 120. This value will go into the Other amount field. In order for this to work, Other amount must be set to YES and the Behavior drop down must be set to "In Addition" Valid amounts are from 1 to 99,999

Donate2 Donation Type

d2dt=monthly (where d2dt is the “Key” and Monthly is the “Value”) Using this Key-Value pair would set the recurring frequency on the form will  select with “Monthly”

The following work on all form types:

Donate2 First Name

d2fn=Stephen (where d2fn is the “Key” and Stephen is the “Value”) Using this Key-Value pair would set the first name field on the credit card to autofill with “Stephen”

Donate2 Last Name

d2ln=Lynch (where d2ln is the “Key” and Lynch is the “Value”) Using this Key-Value pair would set the last name field on the credit card to autofill with “Lynch”

Donate2 Email Address (where d2em is the “Key” and is the “Value”) Using this Key-Value pair would set the email address field on the credit card to autofill with “”

Source Number Override

Using this Key-Value pair would set the source on the form to be used when the order is processed in Tessitura”

Custom URL Parameters

You are also able to pass in any URL Parameter Key-Value pairs that you define. These wont map to the form fields like the four we have built in. A custom URL Parameter Key-Value pair follows the same format as above where you have the key=value. This might look like WhateverYouWant=ValueYouWant. WhateverYouWant is the “Key” and ValueYouWant is the “Value”. state=Illinois and lastdonationamount=125 are two examples.

The sky is the limit with this! One thing to keep in mind, when you are including spaces, they will need to be encoded as %20 rather that an actual space in order for the URL to work.

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