Billing Overview

Based on your plan, the credit card that is on file will be charged monthly or yearly. Any plan changes will go into effect immediately. If a change is made that costs more than your current plan, your card will be charged. If a change is made that costs less, a credit will be issued to your account to be used at the next billing cycle. 

We do not issue refunds. Any unused amount that you have paid is issued as a credit on your account that will automatically be applied toward the next month. 

Each plan has both a monthly base fee and a percentage fee. The base fee is automatically charged at the frequency determined by your plan: monthly or yearly. The percentage fee associated with each donation is automatically deducted from your Stripe account.

The Billing Contact will receive notifications from Donate2 regarding sales receipts, upcoming subscription renewals, expiring credit card, failed subscription payments, and other account related matters.
The account owner can change or update the billing contact and credit card on file. Please make sure to update the billing contact as needed to ensure your organization receives important information about your account. You can use an email address that sends to a distribution list as the billing contact if multiple people at your organization need to receive this information.

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